Chemotherapy Finished!

What a few days this has been but finally Chemotherapy finished! I started the 5 days high does chemotherapy last Thursday, and finished today around mid day. I have to say the first couple of days went fairly smoothly, despite the clothes changes, room and bed changes every six hours. And I was also restricted to my room due to the extreme toxicity during this time.

Here’s where it gets a little fuzzy for me. We started the next drug on Saturday, but quite honestly Sunday and Monday are a blur. I was drowsy from the Ativan and the other drugs. I did also get ill on several occasions Sunday and Monday. The nausea is nasty and comes on very quickly. I did manage to eat, thanks to Kerry bringing pepperoni pizza and Derek bringing a Timmy’s toasted bagel and Lay’s Potato Chips .It’s like being pregnant all over again!

And now a day of recovery followed, by the stem cell infusion on Wednesday. I feel well enough take a walk down to the cafeteria. Hospital trays are not cutting it, so I’m finding what I want elsewhere.

The tremendous activity on our Blog, Instagram, Twitter and  FaceBook messaging has warmed our hearts. We have been inundated with positivity, prayers, good vibes, strength, laughs, and cheering us on like you wouldn’t believe.

We are Kicking Cancer Ass!

24 thoughts on “Chemotherapy Finished!

  1. We are so happy you have gotten through the worst part in flying colors. You are really something. I don’t know where you get the strength. Rooting for you. Waiting for the miracle stem infusion. Tina and Jim

  2. Having wandered off of social media consumption as of late, I’m embarrassingly fresh to the news of your chemo regimen! Sorry that I’m only now playing catchup, and sending you an extra big heap of encouraging hugs and excruciatingly loud (but still remarkably in-tune) chants of a super-speedy recovery!!! You’re nailing this!

  3. Keeping you in my prayers every night. Sending you lots and lots of hugs. ❤️ You girl!!! Never stop fighting!

  4. I am sending you love xo🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

  5. Cindy, I was so sorry to hear about your illness. I have been reading all your posts / blogs and you are such an inspiration! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are back sailing soon! Debbie❤️

  6. Tomorrow kicks off your recovery! Hopefully the worst will be behind you soon and you can enjoy some spring weather!

  7. Sending you good vibrations from Gould Lake! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We are with you guys. Xo

  8. You got this tough lady!!! We are waiting for you at the Chill for a drink on us!!! ❤️

  9. Tears 😊….the worst is done, Cindy. Tomorrow a life-enhancing infusion. I am so impressed by your positivity. Beaches await you……..❤️

  10. Prayers continue Cindy from me and Deb Paddock and Susan Nagtegaal!

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