High Dose Chemo – Half-way Completed

High Dose Chemo – Half-way Completed

High Dose Chemo – this is where the magic happens. Double doored as its negative pressure. And the sign reads cytotoxic meaning, stay out!

Hope you all had a great weekend. It’s been a bit of a rough one on this end for Cindy. The high dose is doing what it’s supposed to and kicking the hell out of the cancer…but that also means kicking the hell out of her. I’ll rewind to Wednesday after check-in and move forward from there.

Wednesday was just a regular day. We arrived, checked in, and got settled – she brought basically only a toothbrush and soap as there was a different protocol this round (I’ll get to that). She got a private room again and overlooks the lake in Hamilton and most of the downtown. It’s actually quite the nice view. We met some nurses and just kinda hung out and I headed to my parents place for dinner and to stay the night. Cindy went for her traditional x-ray and had blood work and vitals done by the team there. They know her now so it’s like a homecoming.

The chemo started the next morning around 8am so I was back down about 9am. By the time I’d arrived they’d invoked the gown-up protocol of nitrile gloves, a full resistant gown, and face mask. Needless to say it looks like a pretty serious setup on me 😁. Anyhow, they also limit the time allotted to visit and I was basically in and out quickly. I left behind an inspirational quote on her whiteboard – “DON’T FUCK AROUND!” – get this done and dusted girl! I’m not sure if it’s helping, but it does get a few laughs from the staff so that’s positive. I’ll try to come up with something a little more profound soon.

The Weekend

The newest fashion trends for 2019 – hospital scrubs and bald heads. Oh, and relaxing like it’s Sunday morning!

The real challenge for Cindy then began. Showering, changing clothes and bedding, wiping down the whole room and bathroom every 6 hours. It’s a real process so we left everything at home and she was going to live in hospital gowns and that’s about it. Her phone and such is in a sealed plastic bag, and anyone who goes in the room dresses like I mentioned before. This occurs for 3 days. By Saturday afternoon it was finished as the first drug in the regimen was done. This drug however makes her ill. She was not in a good way by Friday and was sick a few times.

She did lose her appetite somewhat but had a special pizza delivery from my mom one night and that apparently helped. The drugs they gave to help with nausea helped eventually too and things seem to be under control a bit more now.

Second Wave

As the warnings say, High Alert / Double Check, and Handle Properly!!!

They switched to the second drug on Saturday and this one she’s never had before. She seems to be tolerating it okay, with appetite being a bit off and fatigue setting in. The bigger challenge now seems to be the Ativan which they give her to try and prevent seizures. This drug really seems to make her tired and she’s sleeping basically all the time. I stopped in today to visit briefly and she was totally out of it. She did however request, before the visit, that I bring Lays Regular potato chips (NOT WAVY) and a Tim Horton’s sesame seed bagel, toasted, with butter. I don’t understand the cravings, but if this is what works, so be it (also, LAYS, you’re missing a huge potential market here….get on it!!). We hung out for a bit but she was wiped so back to bed.

I was a bit frustrated today as she had had her chest dressing changed on Friday by the staff there. I usually do it if you recall. Well, it was not done right at all. It wasn’t sealed, it was half on. We did find a nurse and get them to change it, but it’s just another example of having to be your own advocate at times – even with a great staff.

Quick Communication Note

A note – one side-effect of all these high dose drugs, aside from super fatigue and sickness, is a thing commonly referred to as “chemo brain”. Where your brain really just kind of operates like you’re high. Here is an example – trying to convince her today was Sunday. And she kept telling me she was sick this AM and I’d say it was Saturday (it was yesterday AM not today). Joey her son is on a trip and landed yesterday…but she believed it was today. So just a heads up if you’re messaging her at all, there could be some disjointedness to the conversation. By all means, please do message, but please also understand any delays getting back to you.

So, where do we go from here. Hopefully the sickness stays away and is mostly done. Hopefully. I suspect there will be some more, but we know the drugs work very effectively so I’ll make sure the nurses just get it into her quickly. One more day of chemo then it’s all done…tomorrow by 3pm hopefully it’s wrapped up. Then a day off Tuesday – rest and recuperate – and prepare for the big day Wednesday. I think she’ll be sleeping through most of the time between now and then, but will try to get down and give another report before the kick off. Or if I’m summoned for a special delivery of food or beverage of course 🤟

Thanks for following along and for all the kind and awesome words from everyone. It really does take a village. ❤❤❤

11 thoughts on “High Dose Chemo – Half-way Completed

  1. Prayers winging your way every time I think about you and that is a lot! It takes a strong person to get through what you are enduring. You just might be my Hero! Derek sounds amazing as well!

  2. Thanks for the update, STAY STRONG Derek and Cindy!! You guys are doing great and we are thinking of you!

  3. Guys. We know what a struggle this is and how hard it is. But it will be worth it when you are free from this crap and strong and healthy. Sending you all the love and positive energy we have and wishing you gods speed in your treatment and recovery. Stay strong. And Kick Ass🌷🌷

  4. You’re killin’ it lady! All our thoughts are with you Cindy!

  5. Sounds like you are hanging in there. Good luck on Wednesday and afterwards! Her

  6. You go girl, you got this!
    Derek you Rock as a Rock for this sweet sweet lady!
    Wishing and praying for the speediest recovery so you two can get back to what you love doing.
    And please come to the chemo suite and ring that bell Cindy!
    Xo Fuck Cancer
    El & Les

    1. Hi Guys, so impressed of what you are doing and of what you both are going through. Stay strong together and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!lots of love from SXM

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