Stem Cell Transplant – Step 1

Well, it’s now go day.


Checking into hospital later today and the start of high dose chemotherapy is tomorrow. Today and tonight will be testing baseline including MRI’s, chest x-rays, blood and immunity level, and a pregnancy test (????!) as well as hydration and such. Tomorrow will kick off with a drug called Thiotepa. This is the last one she’s been getting in matrix chemo already. It’ll be given at a higher dose than normal, about 10x the doctors say.

She shouldn’t feel too bad overall for a few days. Maybe even into next week (these are the doctors words, not mine!). This first two days are toxic enough and at a dosage that she will be in isolation the whole time. She’ll need to shower/have bedding/clothes changed, and full room wipe down – all of this every 6h. This is because the drug literally comes out through your pores it’s so concentrated, making Cindy basically “toxic to touch”. I’m sure there’s a good rock and roll song in there somewhere… leave me with it.


Anyway, only I’m really allowed to go in, fully gowned up, and only for 10-15 minutes ideally at a time. Same for nurses and doctors. This will go on a for a few days until this drug is done and then out of the system. Hopefully by Sunday. Cindy will have her phone and computer so hopefully that can stave off boredom a bit.

New Haircut, New Attitude

Stem Cell Transplant - Ready to Kick Ass

Stem Cell Transplant – Ready to Kick Ass

In any event, to commemorate the start of the high dose round, to make the relentless showering and cleaning easier, and to really pump herself up, she’s gone with a new look. I’m told I shouldn’t get used to it visually, but that the GI Jane-style attitude may stick around a while longer. Good thing I can persuade the doctors to keep her in a bit longer if needed 😜.

More soon.

32 thoughts on “Stem Cell Transplant – Step 1

  1. i just want you to know Dave and i are thinking of you Cindy, and Derek too!
    your strength and Derek’s support is admirable, i hope all this makes step 1 seem like a warm day with sunny skies and gentle breeze as you sail through this.

  2. Hi Cindy. I know that you will beat this. You are one of the strongest persons I know. Please continue to keep all of us posted. We look so forward to seeing you in St. Maarten. Positive thoughts coming your way. Tina and Jim Connolly

  3. Cindy I’m so sorry to learn of your health challenges! I know your strength, fitness and positive outlook and trust you will fly through the treatment finish line. Thinking of you and your kids. Hugs, Wendy

  4. This was a shocking post. The vivacious and lovely Cindy doing battle with cancer? Tell me it’s not so, but alas it is. Karen and I wish all the best for you in your treatment and recover. We look forward to seeing you cruising the islands agin soon. Charlie

  5. I’ve just been reading through your posts and learning about all that you’ve faced, head-on so far, Cindy. I remember talking to Derek years ago while diving in SXM about the plans you two had, finally meeting the kick-ass woman he had been talking to all of us about, watching you two bring your dreams into existence as you got everything in place on Aravilla… wow, how far you guys have come! I am confident that you’ll make it through this next phase with strength and grace, ready to get back to the life you love and the world you two have built together. Sending you positive vibes from Cayman.

    1. Great to hear from you Beth. I love following your adventure as well! We very much appreciate your encouraging words. Means so much to have the tremendous support from all of you amazing people. Thanks for the positive vibes!

  6. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers Cindy. Stay positive and strong💪 Love ua

  7. Cindy,

    I knew I could find all of the details here and am thankful for your posts as I didn’t want to bother you with questions as your focus should be on your full recovery. 💗

    20 years ago my cousin Tina had the same thing…possibly a different form, but essentially the same. She had the massive chemo and stem cell transplant and had to be isolated as well. It was s success and she is still with us today!! You are and will be an inspiration to so many and I KNOW, you will be on the other side VERY soon!!! Play music, keep vibes strong, visualize the future and kick ass girlfriend!! We can’t wait to celebrate your full recovery!!! Preferably with a cold beverage on Aravilla!

    1. Hey Kim,

      Very inspiring story about your cousin. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for your encouragement and support. The positive vibes coming our way from so many amazing people are helping immensely. We feel so lucky to have this strength and continuous flow of positivity coming our way. Kicking ass here and looking forward to seeing you xo

  8. Hello Cindy,
    Positive thoughts and prayers from Singapore.
    I am glad we had a few minutes via WhatsApp yesterday to catch-up on the fun times at RIM 14!
    I will be in touch here and with Mr. Derek for progress reports.

    1. Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers Stefon. Means so much to know you’re thinking of us. It was great chatting with you! We’ll definitely stay in touch.

  9. The whole Dawson crew is behind you in your fight! Sending you lots of love. Cancer SUCKS.

  10. Dear Cindy and Derek:
    Your positive attitude and determination will serve you well.
    Stay the course. Our love and prayers are with you. Joan and Julien ❌⭕❌⭕

  11. Cindy, just heard from Deb Paddock….I had no idea…I don’t seem to see facebook updates from you…you are in our prayers…and you will be in the prayers of all of our friends and the prayer circles we are a part of.

    Deb and Angus

  12. You’ve got this Cindy! We’ll be thinking of you (and Derek). You are such a strong woman, I know you’ll power through! Thanks for sharing this blog.

  13. Love the blog Derek
    Love the fight Cindy!
    Nothing but positive thoughts your way.
    Kick that cancers ass

  14. Good luck this week Cindy! I LOVE the GI Jane look and the GI Jane attitude. You wear it amazingly well! Our thoughts are with you as you hammer the hell out of this disease this week. You and Derek are both amazingly strong and inspirational!

  15. Both of you are an inspiration. What troopers. I’ll be thinking of you as you face this week.

  16. You are someone to admire Cindy! Your tough spirit and ability to adapt will be the reason you will come out on top!

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