Hello from Cindy and Derek!

Well friends, it’s been a little longer than we intended to bring you an update. Needless to say, we are still here in Canada safe and sound.

Leaving St Maarten

Our hasty exit from St. Maarten last March was a shock and a blessing all at the same time. Although we weren’t ready to leave our beautiful island so soon after arriving, we feel lucky to have had a gorgeous summer with friends and family. We are in the very fortunate position of having an extremely supportive group of people here in Canada and St. Maarten. We lived in Linwood on the Moore-Fleming complex for most of the summer! We can tell you there isn’t a more spectacular place to enjoy all of the comforts and amenities, and then some! Not to mention being able to spend so much time with our dear friends Jill, Terry and their family. They are truly wonderful people and we love them to pieces.

In August we moved into a lovely new rental condo in North Waterloo. It’s absolutely perfect for the two of us, well appointed with all of the necessities and in a great location. This will be home until we can return to the island, which of course is unknown with the situation in the world at present.

My Dad

There were several reasons returning to Canada on the early side turned out to be a good thing. As some of you may know, my Dad had been living in Long Term Care for over 2 years, and suffered from Parkinson’s and Dementia. Although we feel grateful that he thrived and did quite well at Sunnyside home, he started to decline quite a bit in spring, and passed away in June.

It was sad that we couldn’t see him in person in the last weeks due to Covid, and our loss was unspeakably difficult, even though he hasn’t been the same man for some years. Nothing makes losing a loved one any easier. The compassionate staff at Sunnyside facilitated video chats with him every week, and truly made his time there as comfortable as possible. I was happy I was home to be with my Mom and sister and her family. Sometimes things happen for a reason.

Keeping Busy

Derek and I have been keeping ourselves out of trouble with some newer initiatives for both of us. Derek’s home automation business, BlackBridge Systems, was launched last fall by him and his partner. It has been a whirlwind of a success, growing quickly right from the start. They have many projects on the go, several being quite large and time consuming. The fact that we came home early was a positive in terms of Derek being here to manage this thriving business in person.

I decided to embark on a new adventure recently as well. I’ve always been passionate about healthy eating, fitness, mind and body connection, and all that goes along with these things. I’d been considering going to school to study Holistic Nutrition, and after much research and deliberation, decided it was time to take the plunge! I enrolled in a distance education program with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and began my courses in May. It is completely online and self-directed, the only stipulation being it must be completed in 3 years. I have been working hard to stay on top of my studies, and am enjoying it immensely.

It is challenging, interesting and mind boggling at times! Never did I think I’d be elbow deep in anatomy and physiology, having avoided the sciences up to this point!   It is exactly what I had hoped in terms of giving me a background in Holistic Nutrition and wellness overall. It is my intention to eventually start a consulting business as a Holistic Nutritionist, specializing in individuals with or recovering from a cancer diagnosis, and also women approaching or in my age range.

Health Update

Although I’ve left my health update to the end, it is definitely the most important piece of our news. I was able to get an MRI when we returned in March, and as you’ve read previously was given the all clear. This is a regular part of my life now and I am thankful for each and every positive report.

My Ophthalmology check-up at Ivey Institute in London that was to occur in April, was delayed until 3 weeks ago. Dr. Hooper was very pleased with what he saw, or more accurately, what he didn’t see in my eyes. There is no inflammation, and the cataracts that developed during my treatments have not progressed. This means we can put off cataract surgery for now. My Optometrist was able to update my prescription glasses to give me 20/20 vision. This is all fantastic news and I am so thankful to have such compassionate, highly qualified professionals caring for me.

That brings me back to our wonderful Dr. Kouroukis. As most of you know, he is the head oncologist at Juravinski in charge of my treatment and follow-up since this journey began. I had another MRI this past weekend, and was able to see Dr. Kouroukis in person on Wednesday. Due to Covid, my appointment in April was by phone. Although he didn’t yet have my MRI results at the appointment, he reviewed the blood work done that morning and was pleased that all is well. He spent a good 20 minutes chatting with Derek and I, and as always, demonstrated his passion and caring for the people he sees.

The even better news, is that he called this morning to let me know that my most recent MRI is clear. As I’ve said many times, even when I feel great and know everything is fine, this positive confirmation gives me a feeling I can’t describe. The fact that he personally answers my emails and calls with this information means a whole lot I tell you.

Until Next Time

That covers everything for now. I hope you all are surviving these crazy times we find ourselves in during the last months. St. Maarten friends, we miss you and hope to be back soon! Canadian friends, hopefully we can connect soon when it’s safe to have some quality social time. We miss those of you we haven’t been able to see yet too!

Love and hugs to you all!

Cindy and Derek

14 thoughts on “Hello from Cindy and Derek!

  1. Great update Cindy. Very well written! I have the feeling your nutritional consulting adventure will be a great success. It’s just perfect for you! All the best with your studies. And all the best to Derek and his new business as well. And of course the wonderful health results put the icing on the cake.

  2. Amazing update – sooo happy for you and so thankful for this wonderful news – you mean the world to us all. We are also super happy for you both on your new adventures here in Canada! Miss you both!

  3. Miss you Cindy xo loved reading this update and can’t wait to see you again soon.

  4. Thanks for the update Cindy. Things certainly sound fantastic at your end. So glad to hear.
    All the best to you and Derek.
    Lori & Paul

  5. I’m crying tears of joy for you Cindy !! Both you and Derek have been through so much these last few years. I wish you both nothing but the best. Bless you both!! It was an honor and a privilege to get to know both of you through our Heidelberg neighborhood and cycling. Stay safe and stay in touch !! All the best !

  6. Cindy what a wonderful update. Very happy for you, those MRI’s sure make living with a condition ‘liveable’. Just knowing you’ll be ok and you have a clear bill of health. Very sad that you can’t be down at your boat, as this is a life’s dream many of us could only dream of.
    It very sad that your dad has passed, it’s always hard to say goodbye. I know that my Harv has Parkinson’s as well, but he is doing amazingly well and has a pretty normal life style.
    Very happy for Derek, but he’d be great at anything he’d set his mind to, that’s just him.
    And you taking on an exciting career change once you’ve completed is short of being amazing for you. I know that nutrition is very much important for us and quite a need for this consulting service’s. Love you guys bunches, stay healthy and safe.

    1. So happy to hear Harv is doing well. I think of you guys often. We do miss St. Maarten! Hopefully will be able to get down there for part of the winter. Hope you guys are enjoying your new place. You worked awfully for it! Great to hear from you. Hugs to you and the gang.

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