Big News on Several Fronts!

Big News on Several Fronts

We have had an eventful few weeks – and now it’s time to celebrate some big news on several fronts!

Brain MRI

I had my brain MRI last Friday and attended the follow-up meeting with Dr. Kouroukis this Friday. We were expecting to hear everything looks good but the anxiety level always goes up just a touch as these types of appointments approach. Thankfully, the MRI is clear and Dr. Kouroukis is happy with the results of both this and the blood work that always gets done at these check-ups. This, combined with a favourable report from my Ophthalmologist, Dr. Hooper, several weeks ago, means we’re in good shape. It’s recommended that I return to see both doctors in late March, barring any other issues in the meantime. This is fantastic news!

Return to Island Life – for now

And now the really good part. Some of you may know that we decided to book a flight to St. Maarten for mid-December. It was a bit of a flier, but we had confidence that all things would check out on the health front. They have, and we now follow through with our plans – St. Maarten here we come! Derek has been working diligently with our contacts on the ground in St. Maarten to start the prep for launching ARAVILLA shortly after we arrive. We have so much help and love coming at us from the island that we’re confident we can get up and running fairly quickly. As much as we are sad to be leaving our friends and very strong support system here in Canada, we are extremely excited about returning to our beloved island community and our floating home! If anyone sees a trip to St. Maarten in the cards, please please come and see us! We would love to share our beautiful paradise and create more memories of this precious life.

Some Body Art

To commemorate my long and difficult journey I did something I’ve been thinking about for some time. My BadAss Blood Donor clinic a few months ago, organized and named by my friends Jill and Renata, inspired the name of my blog. As a further extension to this, I set a goal awhile ago to get the word “Badass” tattooed somewhere on my body. Done! And I can even share where on my body it resides! I’m very pleased with the results, and wear it proudly! Special thanks to my good friend and partner in crime, Jill, for suggesting the script font to give it a touch of class!

Fundraising Push

Now lastly, we have a request of you all and hope you will give it serious consideration. Several months ago we established Cindy’s Bada$$ Fundraiser to raise funds specifically for Juravinski Oncology Day Services (ODS) and the Hematology Unit (where I spent all my admitted time). This week their public relations contact shared that our total is at around $8,600.00. Thanks to those of you who have generously donated to this cause so near and dear to our hearts. For anyone thinking about contributing, but haven’t had a chance to do so, please help us reach our year-end goal of $10,000. We spoke to both Doctor Kouroukis and my Nurse Practitioner, Jenn Wiernikowski on Friday, and they are absolutely thrilled with the donation numbers. We truly appreciate all you’ve done, supporting us emotionally, mentally, physically and financially. In this season of giving, please consider this worthy cause.

Again, thanks for being our amazing supporters and cheerleaders during a very challenging time. We feel extremely lucky to have you all in our lives! Happy Holidays to everyone!

Love and hugs,
Cindy and Derek


17 thoughts on “Big News on Several Fronts!

  1. Yippee! Congratulations Cindy with all good news!!! We could not be happier for you and Derek!!!
    We hope you have a wonderful Christmas on the water.
    XO Michele and John.

  2. Such great news guys! Kevin and I have been following your blog! Great tattoo Cindy! We’ll be in sxm end of December for a few weeks Hope to see you! Probably at G.P’s!😊 xx

  3. Oh, Cindy and Derek……..this is such wonderful news. Awesome tattoo!! Have a safe trip home ……..and a great season in St. Maarten.

  4. Cindy & Derek .. great news .. have a Merry Christmas in the sun .. got the email from your Mother .. usually check your blog but didn’t lately .. love the tattoo .. hugs Maria

  5. This is great news! Let’s plan to connect on SXM soon. We will be there in a few weeks. Hugs are in order.

  6. Luv the tattoo. You are a Badass! Can’t wait to see you bobbing in the Bay in SXM. So happy for you and Derek! Xoxo

  7. What great news. St Maarten is waiting for you.
    It was a pleasure to contribute to such a worthy cause.

  8. So excited for all of the great news! And we can’t wait to see you in the Aravilla in just a few months!! Xoxo

  9. Amazing news…love your tattoo…so happy you are heading back to your floating home!
    Love the Walser’s

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