Halfway There!

Halfway ThereHalfway there

Week two of radiation treatments has been completed! The appointments continue to go very smoothly, and the staff and I are getting to know one another quite well. As with any of our experiences at Juravinski, these knowledgeable, efficient, compassionate individuals never cease to amaze us. I’m in and out of the treatment room in 10 minutes or less, and have not had to wait more than 5 minutes upon arriving, even when I’m 15 minutes early. They run a well oiled machine! No side effects on my eyes yet. I suspect the lighter dose over a slightly longer period is really helping minimize the effects. I am very thankful for that.

My home away from home at the Alldritt’s in Ancaster has the best care a person could ask for! Kerry, Tom and John drive me to appointments, cook for me, and make sure I have wine with dinner. What more could a girl ask for? I have beautiful terrain on the escarpment for walks and runs galore. Many thanks to them for their continued support.

Derek does the trek down on Monday for my first appointment, and returns Friday to be available for our update meeting with our head Radiologist, Dr. Greenspoon. This usually involves meetings on the phone while in transit since his consulting schedule keeps him busy. He’s also occupied with another new business endeavour in home automation. Combine this with keeping things organized with our boat down south and keeping everything on track in our lives in general, he has a full plate. He’s the glue that keeps our lives together.

That’s the update for now. Hope everyone is enjoying our stellar weather! I know I am!

10 thoughts on “Halfway There!

  1. Great news that you are having no side effects Cindy. Sending our love from Burlington!

  2. Ever-impressed and humbled. You really are remarkable. DMan too, but to a lesser degree 😉

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