Radiation – Week One Done

Week One Done

After 5 days of treatment we have competed week one of the radiation cycle. All seems to be going well, and it’s a very neat process. Met with Dr Greenspoon today and he was all thumbs up which is positive.

The Process

The whole process is roughly 12 seconds long! The loud buzzing in the video is the entire length of the treatment, for one eye. They do this treatment twice per-day. Before this, all that telemetry in the background and in the pictures below is used to align the device and the eyes perfectly. They do a small CT scan each time, ensuring the alignment is correct, and they do that by literally scanning through the head for markers and lining them up – in this case, the eyes. Takes about 2-3 minutes of scanning, then 2-3 minutes of setup, then the tech pushes the button, and what you see in that video happens, then 2-3 minutes of setup, and then the treatment, and you’re done. Pretty neat stuff, and these techs really love their jobs, they explain it such knowledge and passion.

CT scan to help with aligning the machine prior to radiation

Targeting the eye to ensure perfect alignment

Radiation - Week One Done - targeting the eye

Targeting completed, next is the start of radiation process

So that’s it – Radiation – Week One Done. Back at it Monday for another weeks. We’ll provide some updates then! Have a great weekend everyone.


2 thoughts on “Radiation – Week One Done

  1. Fingers crossed. We think about you constantly. Great updates and so helpful. You are on a quest!

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