Radiation Update

Radiation Update

We have a radiation update this week on next steps for treating what is left of cancer cells in my right eye. As we explained in our last post, radiation seems to be the way to go. What we’ve been waiting for the last few weeks is the appointment to make the customized mask. That will be used during this process, and final details on the start and duration of the actual radiation.

The mask has been custom made, and the plan is to start treatments at Juravinski this coming Monday. What happens is that I go for four consecutive weeks, with radiation sessions Monday to Friday. The thinking is that spreading a slightly lower dosage over four weeks, versus two or three, will be easier on my eyes and will hopefully minimize any side effects.

The actual procedure is relatively short, probably no more than half hour per visit. This includes set-up and the radiation itself. Both eyes will be radiated as a precaution, even though we only know for sure that live cells still exist in the right eye. The thinking is that we should tackle both, rather than wait and see if something surfaces in the other eye. One change from our last update, is that the cyber knife will not be used. I won’t get into the technicalities, but suffice to say that the type of radiation needed for my eyes is not specific to this instrument.

That’s it for now. We’ll keep you posted on progress during the next few weeks of treatment. No extreme side effects are expected, and i’m optimistic that I’ll get through this without too much to report.

Thanks again to each and every one of you for your continued positivity, support and encouragement. Love you all!

Cindy & Derek

12 thoughts on “Radiation Update

  1. Good to hear the updates! Hope the radiation process goes smooth! Sending positive vibes your way

  2. Keeping the positive thoughts for you! Your approach is the key aspect!!! Thinking of you both!

  3. Prayers continue Cindy…every week at St. John’s in Kitchener too – the whole congregation!

  4. Thanks guys for continuing the updates. Positive vibes, love and prayers from Rene & I to you both and the team of professionals working to erradicate those nasty cancer cells. Hugs to you both.

    1. thank you for the update, we’re always thinking of you and hope you breeze through this, give those nasty cells the boot!

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