Three Reasons to be Happy!

three reasons to be happy

To start things off, let’s just say I have three reasons to be happy. Firstly, my hair and eyelashes have started growing back! You’ll need to look closely, but I have a fine layer of peach fuzz starting to come in!

Secondly, we’ve had some beautiful sunny, warm spectacular weather! Tank top weather. Yay!

Thirdly, and most important, is that I had a great check-up with Dr. Kouroukis last Wednesday. The usual blood work was completed, and all levels are on track. Hemoglobin is one of the items watched carefully, and it’s up even higher than my appointment a few weeks ago. Platelets were down a bit, but still well within normal levels.

We discussed next steps on my immunization schedule since we need to rebuild these after my stem cell transplant. What we did learn is that there may be certain immunizations that are not required, because sometimes they survive the transplant. He’ll conduct tests on some of these when I see him in July to determine what is and what is not required. Either way, this is a process that will continue for 2 years, as some can be administered now, and some can’t be administered until that 2 year mark.

Well, that’s my three reasons to be happy. I feel summer coming! Everyone keep your fingers crossed for more good weather. And make sure you get out there on a patio to enjoy it! And if you get a chance, please check out Cindy’s BadA$$ Fundraiser and consider helping us give back to Juravinski and the staff.

14 thoughts on “Three Reasons to be Happy!

  1. Cindy! You’ve been on my mind and I couldn’t be happier to hear this news! You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers for sure! Miss you and love your positive attitude!!! 😘😘😘💗💗💗⚓️

  2. Excellent!!! Love the peach fuzz, to match your tank!

  3. Great news indeed. You rock it hair or no hair pretty lady. Another reason to smile…no need to shave legs and pitts? Lol

    1. Aw thanks Wendy! It’s definitely been low maintenance with the hair removal! I should say no maintenance!

  4. So happy to hear such great news
    “Positive thoughts coming your way and now back to me “
    My girlfriend’s eyelashes came back so thick she has to cut them periodically and she doesn’t need mascara

  5. Those are three very good reasons to be happy Cindy. Wonderful to hear you are doing so well! Xo

  6. Excellent report. Can’t wait to see you in a cute short do!

      1. I think of you often Cindy and am so happy to read the great news! Scott and I are planning to donate blood in your honour very soon – better late than never :).

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