Girls Weekend

Girls Weekend

Just a fun update on my girls weekend activities. I shared the last few days with this group of beautiful women up at Blue Mountain Village near Collingwood. We indulged in a spa day on Friday, and moved into our rental house close by later in the day for an epic weekend! Friday night apps and drinks were enjoyed, but more so the constant laughing and sharing that comes so naturally to this gang.  The experience of a private chef coming to our house to spoil us with an amazing gourmet meal on Saturday night was unbelievable. I lost count of the number of bottles of wine consumed! Our chef was spectacular and we all rolled away from the table after consuming all that scrumptious food. A fun excursion to a local Irish Pub in the Village was a great way to finish the evening. Or shall I say finish out the wee hours of Sunday!

This fantastic group of friends has been in my life for many years, but never have they been as appreciated as the last months while I was undergoing treatment. They are an endless source of love, support, humour, encouragement always, but especially this winter.  They are all special people,  and I treasure each and every one of them for their unique and loving personalities.

Thanks to my BadAss Girls for a fabulous weekend! Love you all!



4 thoughts on “Girls Weekend

  1. Great to read you have such an amazing groot of friends around you! Love from SXM

  2. Sounds like a fabulous weekend Cindy😎. I bet it felt good to laugh and be pampered after all you have been through 🍷🍷love to you and continued healing❤️

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