Another Great Check-up

Another Great Check-up

On Wednesday we had our second post-transplant check-in with Dr. Kouroukis at Juravinski since leaving the hospital several weeks ago. Due to good numbers at the first appointment three weeks ago, he didn’t see a need to have us in before then. What happens at these appointments is that blood is taken to check white blood cell counts, hemoglobin, platelets, magnesium to name a few. I’m happy to report that my numbers passed with flying colours. It seems I’m ahead of the curve in terms of recovery for most people in this scenario. With blood counts and general energy levels, and getting back to a somewhat normal life routine. The general consensus is that because I was in a relatively good state of health and fitness going into this, the recovery has thankfully gone more quickly than some.

Let me make a plug to those of you who are thinking of revamping your eating habits or improving your fitness routine. It doesn’t need to be radical changes that take place, but I can’t emphasize enough what a difference this has made during my treatment and recovery period. Don’t wait. If you’ve been wanting to commit yourself to healthier practices, there is no better time than the present! Not necessarily to deal with illness, but because you will feel like a million bucks!

The Numbers

Dr. Kouroukis was pleased with my numbers, therefore gave us a hall pass until early June. We’ll report in with any problems if necessary, but he feels if my progress continues as is, I’m good. Next steps will likely be an MRI to ensure things are still clear there. This will be an ongoing check over the foreseeable future, with the length of time between MRI’s increasing if everything stays clear. We also have an appointment with my Ophthalmologist in London in early May to check my eyes. This too will be an ongoing part of the monitoring process going forward.

A by-product of my stem cell transplant is that I have effectively returned to my newborn state in terms of immunizations. Meaning I’m back to ground zero with regards to the standard immunizations received as an infant and young child. MMR, DPT etc. Over the next year, they will systematically be introduced again. Some in the coming months, and others not for a year or so. So although my general ability to fight common bugs is back to normal, I will need to be very careful in avoiding exposure or risk to these normally immunized ailments.

Catching Up

Before my appointment yesterday, we made some social calls to our good friends who work at Juravinski. As we’ve said before, many of the staff have become near and dear to us, and truly do feel like family. One of our favourite stops is Jenn Wiernikowski’s office. We found her smiling face and hugs and had a good visit before heading to see Dr. Kouroukis. Jenn was my primary nurse practitioner, particularly at the start of my treatment process. Without her holding our hands through some very trying times, I don’t know how we would have survived. Her immense knowledge in her field, her desire to ensure we understood everything along the way, and her sunny, caring, compassionate disposition made her a lifesaver!

We also dropped in to see Kate in the Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre Foundation Office. Aside from also being a great support to us, she has been instrumental in setting up Cindy’s BadA$$ Fundraiser. Our updates from Kate have been very encouraging. Thanks to those of you who have so generously donated already. We are truly thankful for your support! The donation page will stay open for the coming months, and we encourage you to visit the page and see what a wonderful and worthwhile organization this is. And of course if you feel compelled to support this with a donation, we would be forever grateful!

Until next time, stay warm and please think Spring thoughts!

12 thoughts on “Another Great Check-up

  1. Wonderful news Cindy. I had no doubts you wouldn’t ace these follow ups. You are a wonderful inspiration!

  2. Great to hear Cindy!! We can’t wait to see you guys back in St. Maarten! We will have to have a big party at the YC!! Keep on rocking!!

  3. WOW awesome update!! So very happy for you Cindy!! And great advice you have given to others to choose a healthy lifestyle now!! Xo

  4. Awesome news Cindy. So happy for the continued good results. Sending Hugs and positive energy your way❤️🌷🌷stay strong and positive!

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