Badass Blood Drive a Huge Success!

Huge Success

Wow – once again I don’t know where to start. Our blood drive was truly Badass and a huge success thanks to all of you who planned and participated!

We managed to surpass our goal and also had an amazingly fun day! We had 31 participants, and collected 30 units of blood. What a great effort by our friends and family. Thanks to each and every one of you for taking time out of your busy weekend to donate and spend this time with us. The Blood Donor Clinic staff were truly impressed with what a great group of people we have surrounding us! Please support Canadian Blood Services, and if you can, join Cindy’s Partner Program so your donations count towards our ongoing effort.


Special thanks to Jill, Renata and Derek for organizing this Badass event! You guys are the best and I can’t thank you enough for your love and support throughout this entire journey, and especially yesterday. Thanks also to Derek’s Mom, Kerry, for crafting our Badass bandannas and baking up a storm for all of our participants!

A huge thanks to Penny and Stan at The Chill Bar and Grill. Penny was a Badass Blood Donor, and also hosted our after party where our friends and family enjoyed some lunch and beverages. A great way to celebrate our day! Penny and Stan are long time friends and we love you!

And another massive thank you to Tim Hortons in St Jacobs for the gracious donation of coffee and treats for all participants and support crew. Everyone was well hydrated and fed.


Something I’ve thought a lot about over the last weeks is how so many people around us have reached out in various ways to support us throughout this journey. It’s given me a true appreciation for the value of taking the time to do anything large or small when you know of someone going through something like this. The overwhelming number of people who have come forward from so many different segments of our lives is truly amazing. It goes without saying that our core group of family and friends have been spectacularly supportive in ways beyond mentioning.

So much love through actions of all kinds. Visits, texts, gifts, moral support galore. And beyond that, the love and encouragement from people I worked with years ago, childhood friends, school mates, friends from far and near. Our island family has been amazing in sending a constant flow of love from our beautiful little paradise. We miss you and can’t wait to get back! It’s absolutely astounding how many have contacted us to let us know they’re sending prayers, positivity and endless support. It’s heartwarming and appreciated beyond belief.

It has forever changed how I will live my life going forward. Realizing the importance of taking that moment to reach out and show someone you care and sending love and support. Such a simple thing that makes such a monstrous difference.It has humbled me to see this constant flow of selfless love and encouragement. I only hope I can give back the way people have given to me.

Thanks again to everyone for making yesterday not only a huge success, but a fun-filled, love-filled day to remember. Love you all!


Some Fun Pictures from Saturday

2 thoughts on “Badass Blood Drive a Huge Success!

  1. Hi, Cindy & Dereck .. first of all, my heart & prayers go to both of you. So happy you are doing well. You probably heard my name !? From your dear mother. I live at Morningside, next door neighbour. We look after each other. Your parents were there for me when I lost my dear husband 14 years ago. I didn’t know too many people.
    So glad I can follow up on your blog .. keep it up .. take care 😍 Maria

    1. Hello Maria. Yes, I’ve heard lots of good things about you! Thanks for your support and prayers. Really appreciate you getting in touch with us. We feel very lucky to have so many cheering us on.

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