Home Sweet Home!

Home Sweet HomeHome Sweet Home

You guessed it! Today I busted out of Juravinski and am so happy to be home. Much as the staff there pamper me and take phenomenal care of me, I can’t say how nice it is to be back in my own space. It was a long 22 days in hospital with high-dose chemo, then stem cell transplant, the bottoming out of immunities, and finally the early stages of recovery. Phew….

After spiking a fever a couple of days ago, it was decided to keep me for observation until I had a period of time fever free. Much as I wanted out, it’s admirable how seriously they take my state of health and I totally understand it’s better to be safe than sorry. A big bonus of that last fever episode, is that they decided to take out my apheresis line as a precautionary measure, just in case that was the source of infection causing my fever. This thing has been sticking out of my chest for almost 3 months. I can’t say how good it feels to be appendage free! As it turns out, the fever of a couple of days ago did not return, therefore I got the green light for home today.


Jenn – One of the nurse practitioners that cared for me along the way

People have been asking what I will enjoy most when I get out. That’s a hard one. Definitely the fact that I have my own bed, and I can sleep the night without waking up for blood work, weighing me, taking medication. The first thing I did today was have a nice long nap. Also the fact that I can make things in my own kitchen is huge. And of course being home with Derek, and the ability to see other friends and family is something that I missed hugely. All around just a great feeling to be back in my home environment. Home Sweet Home!

My levels are all still doing great. No transfusions needed in the last couple of days, and our next check-up is with Dr. Kouroukis this coming Wednesday.

As always, I could not have made it through this last crucial, and instrumental step in my journey without you all sending me prayers, encouragement and positive vibes galore.  I could hardly keep up with all of the heartfelt messages cheering me on through our blog and other social media. I’ve said it before, but my goodness we have the most spectacular friends and family. I wish you could see the smile on my face, and feel the warmth in my heart when these come pouring in. It’s the most amazing feeling ever, and I thank you again from the bottom of my heart for taking such a genuine interest in my health and well being. You are all awesome!

Time for some rest!

16 thoughts on “Home Sweet Home!

  1. Prayers have been answered Cindy. We will keep them up that your recovery is complete very soon and you can get back to your wonderful life. Love from Ron and Joyce Stuckhardt (ask your mom who we are LOL)

  2. So great to hear this news. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. And love that the fever is gone and numbers are up. Yahoo.

  3. Yowzah! So glad to hear that you are home and the prognosis is good. We all have a positive attitude for your full recovery.
    Dick, Jahkeema and Vivett at CharterPort BVI

  4. So glad you are home Cindy!!❤ Kevin and I have been following your journey and are so happy! Love to you and Derek xo

  5. Yeah – I am so excited you get to home Cindy – big hugs and we are all so proud of you and all you have been going through – we love you and send you lots of support and hugs during your recovery!!!

  6. Such fantastic news! Was so nice to run into you yesterday Cindy.
    Hugs to you and Derek xo

  7. WooHoo!!! Way to go…I’m sure you’re feeling some major relief. Sleep well in your own bed, continue to gain strength and bring on the recovery!

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