Day +5 Update

Day +5 Update

Day +5 UpdateWe figured it’s time for an update since it’s been a few days since our last one.

I have recovered from the nausea thankfully. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I lived on a diet of grilled cheese, toasted bagels, chocolate milk and Lay’s Potato chips. Food of champions! As of today I’m back to normal for the most part.

Yesterday I developed soreness in my mouth and throat. This is quite normal and now I understand why they constantly ask about mouth or throat discomfort. So while my stomach is back to normal, now I’m struggling to get food down due to the difficulty swallowing. The good news is they have me on some good pain meds, and a medicated mouth wash, plus a numbing gel. This all helps to make me more comfortable.

Late this afternoon my temperature went up a little. 38.3, and an hour later 37.3. Normal is 37. As a precaution, my nurse took blood cultures to determine if bacteria is forming, and if so where. Infection is something they watch like a hawk. Again this is normal and we were told to expect a raised temperature at some point.

Otherwise, just resting up and getting out for short walks occasionally. My energy level is fairly good.

I love hearing from everyone, and must say we where overwhelmed with the amount of activity on my blog and FaceBook. And I mean overwhelmed in a good way. It warms my heart to have so much love, positive vibes and encouragement being showered upon us. You are all amazingly spectacular friends and we love you!

24 thoughts on “Day +5 Update

  1. Hi cindy cousin
    Trish here glad to see how well you are doing hang in there you may want to consider kiefer and kumbocha once you are feeling better good for your stomach.

    Hugs girl Kick this thing You can do it !!

  2. Hey Cindy, was thinking about you guys today! Thanks for sharing your blog, all the very best kicking the ass out of cancer! Best love Jackie

  3. Hey good to read your doing so will. Just got onto you blog. Thanks for keeping us all up to date. Loves

  4. Keep kicking ass Cindy! Sending you good vibes through this process xo

  5. Cindy, you truly take Bad Ass to a whole new level! Sending love your way, MJ & Jan

  6. You go girl.

    I also love to hear how you are! I totally believe in energy. We are sending it to you xo


  7. So happy to have an update. Was getting worried! Glad to have you back on your feet. Hope that soreness goes away soon. Positive thinking coming your way! Tina and Jim

  8. Chocolate milk! Full of nice calories and goes down easy. So does cool yogurt, but you can soon have whatever you like. Oh Cindy, were with you!

  9. So glad for the update! Sending love ❤️

  10. So glad to hear you’re recovery is going so well! You’re one tough chick!!
    xoxoxo Lori

  11. So happy to see you moving and that you’re recovering well. One tough chick! Keep it up 🙂

  12. Cindy this is a great update!! You are a SUPER star!! Keep on going girl YOU GOT THIS!!! You will be back on Aravilla cooking those wonderful meals of yours before you know it!
    Ang and Kev

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