Ready To Go – The Plan

Ready To Go – The Plan

Ready to Go - Let's Do This ShitWe had a visit to Juravinski last Friday for my final pre-stem cell check-up and we’re Ready To Go. And good news, it was positive on all fronts! My blood work showed all levels have returned to normal or are very close to normal. We also met with Dr. Kouroukis, the primary oncologist, and he is very pleased with my progress after the last round of chemotherapy. All systems are go for admittance to Juravinski this Wednesday, February 20th. After that, five days of high dose chemotherapy to start on Thursday. My stem cell transplant is scheduled for Wednesday, February 27th, all going well.

Stay tuned for updates on my progress. And please send all the positive vibes you can muster!

Thanks all.


12 thoughts on “Ready To Go – The Plan

  1. Sending all our best wishes from SXM and crossing all fingers and paws here for your recovery…. go and kick ass girl!!!! You gonna rock this!!! Tanja and Michael

  2. You got this Cindy!!! STAY STRONG and KICK the crap out of this!!! Kevin and I are sending love and all positive thoughts! XO

  3. Praying for great medical care and full recovery. Hugs Cindy! Love Jill

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